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Sunday, July 06, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

It is better to be safe and not take risks.How far is this true?

I always believe in the saying it is better to be safe than sorry.I think that sometimes risks are too dangerous and to a person like me , i prefer to follow rules than break them.Especially with so much unpredictable things happening everywhere.Like for example if i take a risk and go climb Mount Everest for all i know there would be a landslide and i would be either left dead or stranded there.So i would definitely not take risks.

It is foolish to look for excitement in dangerous activities.Do you agree?

I think that the answer to this question needs two views because not everyone agrees.To me, I would have to see the kind of dangerous activity first.If it is something like rock climbing or maybe water skiing , I would not agree it is foolish because there are some people who go for this kind of activities to relieve stress perhaps.On the other hand perhaps those who think that it is foolish to go for dangerous activities are just scared or not daring enough.

Women in society .What are their roles in society these days?

Women's roles have changed quite a lot over the years.From being a housewives to being independent career women.I believe that these days women have done well in whatever they do.From politics to almost everything else, but I feel that they have forgotten what their primitive roles were like taking care of the family and having children.Well, i feel like a women should be able to balance both but in my opinion its is an almost impossible task.So, it either work or family for women.

Qualities that you would look for in a friend.

In my opinion , friends are the next closest people after my family so if i make a wrong choice that would be horrible. I would want a friend who is willing to listen anytime to my troubles , able to give me advice.Also a friend who is able to help me in academics and think of things in the same way as me.

Advancement in medical knowledge.Boon or bone?

I think that advancement in medical knowledge is a boon because with advancement in medical knowledge, a lot of cures have surfaced.And that has enabled people to live a longer life.I believe as a longer time goes by , even AIDS or cancer can be cured

(the rest i am not too sure of how to answer so...i will get it done by tmr night Promises(: )
blogged @ 8:30 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

Chinese New Year is my favourite time of the year because there are lots of ang baos to be collected and new clothes to be bought which i do not like since i do not like shopping.There are normally three days of visiting for my family.On the first and most important day,I would wake up very early,change into my new clothes and dress up.Its normally kind of chaotic because there are so many things to do.Then my brothers and I would then wish my parents longevity,properity and things to go their way smoothly, in return i would get ang bao.Then my family would set off to our first destination which is my paternal grandparent's house,there i would see a lot of my uncles, aunties and cousins that i am not familiar with because i hardly see them.Still there would be a little small chat ,here and there, we would lunch there and proceed to the next place.That place would have to be my maternal grandfather's place(because you see,my grandparents divorced when my mother was young), I go through the same customs and start gambling.I played black jack and won $27 sad to say from my mother.I watched my brothers playing mahjong and helped my cousin with her tiles.As evening approached, we hurried over to my maternal grandmother's house for dinner which was steamboat!I ate till i felt as round as a ball,then i bathed and the gambling continued (gambling in the family is like bonding you see..)I played mahjong against my brothers and won once or twice.We played till 3 am , went home and dozed off.Second day was spent at my maternal grandfather's house,gambling.(we do not stop gambling do we?)I won my cousin $20++,elated i was.The game did not end till twilight and i fell asleep on the welcoming couch.Third day was the best,it was spent slacking and counting my "earnings".That was how i spent my CNY!
blogged @ 5:25 AM

Saturday, January 12, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

My resolutions for 2008 would be of course to pass my 'O' levels,since I am now already in Secondary 4.I do not really have any much more time left to do anything else,i really hope i will be able to commit myself to studying for the 'O' levels because usually i really say one thing and do another.I do not deny that I am really a very lazy person,someone who does things the last minute,but I would really want to try hard to study for// 'O' levels.Sometimes i wonder if i do not work hard enough and fail my 'O'levels, what would happen.Secondly, I would also want to be sucessful in my CCA by helping the next batch achieve a gold in the next SYF.I would also want our band to win a gold in the national band competition that is taking place this year in july.Though it might affect my studies,I am still willing to be a part of it because band is more or less a big part of my life.I would really feel bored if //I do not have band practice.Thirdly,I also want to try and lose some weight,maybe 1 or 2 kg that will be good enough since I am so lazy.Now I am currently 52 kg,though other people say that I am not overweight but i think losing some weight is still good.Lastly,I also want a new phone,because my current phone seems to have a problem that is the phone would sometimes just hangup like that when i am halfway talking.And the phone always lags,it gets on my nerve sometimes.

These are my resolutions for 2008!
blogged @ 9:51 PM

Friday, June 22, 2007'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

Finally,its the last week.I got lots of homework to rush now.I am trying to finish the summarys i have left.I have finished the rest of the homework already and remedial is back so not much time to do.I overslept for the trial paper for the NSW,when i woke up i was very late already so i decided to wait for them in class.Then the training for the NSW started again,i really found the teacher a bit too boring.
blogged @ 6:20 AM

i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

The third week of the holiday is the most boring when you have no money so you can't go out.Most of the week goes to Yi Hong's house to start on the homework.We start on the phrase book first,and i just completed it not long ago.I want to start on the newspaper commentary but am too tired so i choose not to do just yet,but seriously its A LOT of homework.I almost thought i cannot finish it.I am going to start on it next week and finish the practice papers.
blogged @ 6:04 AM

i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

This is the second week of the holiday!Just a few more lessons and the real holiday comes.I am going out with friends and decided that i would rush out my homework PROPERLY during the last week with a group of friends.Nothing has really been happening except that i fell down when it rain.There are also a couple of shows i want to watch like the Men In White and Shrek 3.
blogged @ 4:09 AM

i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

This is the first week of the holidays.I am not really sure whether to be happy or sad since the remedials are going to start and it will be not much different from going to school.I will of course be having band practice and POA and the NSW Mathematics training program.I never like waking up early in the morning to go to school, you can just say I am too lazy.I got Yi Hong to help me borrow 4 books to kill my boredom(its bored staying at home all day you know.).I have currently started on the first book and am enjoying it , i always enjoy reading Johanna Lindsey's books.I am already planning to go out with a few friends.Tried to do some homework but failed due to the television.I can never manage to do work with the television around or near me,always get distracted.I will need really quiet surroundings to do my homework seriously.I don't actually like holidays alot because they are so boring.
blogged @ 3:28 AM

Sunday, March 04, 2007'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

My Reflection on the Career Fair.

The recent Career Fair that I went to was quite interesting.Its was held from the first to the fourth of March at the Suntec City.I went there to collect information about my ambition like about the qualifications of the job and long-term prospects of it.I find that it is important to know what career we want to go into before reaching Secondary 4,because if we still do not find out what we want to be when we grow up we would have no sense of direction as to what subjects we should study.
I gain a lot of information on my dream job which is to be a Pre-School teacher.I found out that being a Pre-School teacher is not as easy as I thought it would have been.I also found out that there are so many courses I can sign up for to improve my teaching skills.There were actually also seminars on different types of jobs but I did not attend them as there was not enough time.This is the Career Fair website :www.careerseries.com.sg.
blogged @ 5:11 AM

Monday, February 26, 2007'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

The Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Community Development, Youth & Sports (MCYS) introduced an integrated Pre-School Education (PSE) framework for teacher training and accreditation applicable to personnel from both the kindergarten and child care sectors. The training route for pre-school teachers is effective from January 2001.

Academic entry points are specified for the Certificate and Diploma level courses.

The Specialist Diploma in Pre-school Education is available for polytechnic/degree holders from other disciplines. This programme incorporates both the teaching and the leadership components of both the Diploma in Pre-school Education–Teaching (DPE-T) and the Diploma in Pre-school Education–Leadership (DPE-L).

The target set is for all principals of kindergartens to be trained at diploma in leadership level (DPE-L). The time frame to achieve this is 5 years with effect from 2001.

* At least 2 years’ teaching experience in a pre-school setting prior to assuming supervisory position.
The minimum qualification of the employee should be a GCE ‘O’ level certificate with 3 GCE ‘O’ level credits including a credit in English Language or Mother Tongue Language (Language Teacher). She / He will have to be trained at the appropriate professional level, Certificate in Pre-School Teaching or Diploma in Pre-school Teaching, whichever is applicable

blogged @ 5:50 AM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! and of course mushrooms:x ♥

Comments on video

I realised from a few of my own relatives that they always lose contact when they mirgrate overseas.If I was to migrate I would never lose contact with my family in Singapore.I would always want to know about things that happen here.so I think that it is a good idea for the government to help people from overseas to remember where they should actually belong.Some people do not come back because they do not have as strong sense of belonging to Singapore.From this we can show that a sense of belonging to the country begins from young thats why we have NE or national education.If people who migrate to other countries just come back for a few days maybe they might have a different thinking of what they thought of Singapore when they migrated.
blogged @ 12:00 AM


Ong Yu Min
i love sweets and getting lots & lots of presents..(:


to of course pass 'o' levels.
be a teacher then can see kids everyda!!:D

will add in if got time..




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